Shingwedzi Part 2

Shingwedzi Part 2

Shingwedzi Restcamp has a lovely feel to it. It is spacious with mostly mopane and palm trees scattered about whilst Impala lilies and aloes give colour to the camp. One of the attractions of camping is meeting up with like-minded fellow campers. We met Bob and Rosa down in Lower Sabie years ago and have kept in touch. They are now frequent visitors in their caravan to Kruger – something of which I am most envious. They have now been in Shingwedzi for a while and most evenings we would meet up with them for a chat.

Impala Lily

Without doubt it is the three river roads (Red Rocks S52, Mphongolo S56 and Kanniedood S50) that gives Shingwedzi its great appeal. Amongst the monotonous mopane of the north, these tree lined river roads are really special.

Monday, 24th      Lower Sabie’s internet was so slow that I could not access my blog. Shingwedzi is even worse and small Whatsapp videos are unavailable. This morning we must  stay close to camp in order to phone Reservations to make alterations to our later booking. So we amble down the Kanniedood road. At the low level causeway a Fish Eagle perches above a small pool hoping for pickings.

Under the trees an African Hoopoe is busy looking for  insects amongst the leaves

There is not much grass around Shingwedzi so it is quite surprising to find two Kori Bustards

Today is largely spent around camp doing admin.

Tuesday, 25th    I am determined to really give the well known Mphogolo S56 a good try today so at 6am I am out of the gates in the semi dark. Up to Babalala again and then a slow dawdle along the 30 odd kms of such an attractive road (S56). I do see odd items of interest but those electric Kruger sightings are not forthcoming. And yet… I thoroughly enjoy myself.

Nyala Ram
A Mphongolo River pool (it is not flowing)

If you look carefully you can see a pod of hippos in the top left of the pool. There are many hippos about and the next drought does not bear thinking about.

Vervet Monkeys

Photographing Bee-eaters is irresistable and these Little Bee-eaters keep me busy.


Our five days here has flown by and tomorrow we move down to Satara for four nights. Then three nights at Skukuza after which we regain  possession of our caravan at Lower Sabie until 23rd August.

Wednesday, 26th          Our stay at Shingwedzi was pleasant but the game viewing a bit disappointing. Today we move to Satara, 175km distant and about 4 hours travelling time. We set off after breakfast stopping every now and then for things of interest,

Baobab on a koppie near Mopane Restcamp

Bufffalo herds in  the mopane land are quite common. This one held us up for a good 15 minutes as they poured over the road.

By midday we are at Satara and glory be……… they have strong internet which means  that I will be busy making up for lost time.