Kruger 2019 Summary

Kruger 2019 Summary

20th January – 7th June 2019 This trip has been the realisation of a dream and right at the outset I would like to record my gratitude to Renette for making it possible. I do not think that there are…

Home 7th June

Home 7th June

Friday, 7th June Our booking was to be until the 16th June ending off at Lower Sabie. For a number of pressing reasons, we have decided to curtail our 150 day long trip earlier and head for home. I emphasise…

Satara 5-6th June

Satara 5-6th June

Wednesday, 5th June This being their last day, Werner and Noleen have chosen to travel the beautiful Sweni S126 road. With the rising sun at our backs we meander along this exquisite road. You will know by now that I…

Satara 3-4th June

Satara 3-4th June

Monday, 3rd June Another typically June day sees us heading north at 6am up the H1-4 on our way to Timbavati. We are in luck today as no one takes the S127 road west out to the Timbavati Picnic Site…

Satara 1-2nd June

Satara 1-2nd June

Saturday, 1st June This morning after a chilly night, we set off from the gates at 6am and in the semi-light head south along the main H1-3 towards Sweni S126. But a few hundred meters beyond the H6 Nwanetsi turnoff…