Monday, 3rd June
Another typically June day sees us heading north at 6am up the H1-4 on our way to Timbavati. We are in luck today as no one takes the S127 road west out to the Timbavati Picnic Site and we have the road to ourselves for a couple of hours. This is certainly one of my main reasons for liking Satara so much.
With the sun rising behind us, we wind our way down what must be one of the most beautiful roads in the Park. Great trees line the river and one threads one’s way through them. Ellies, giraffe, kudu, buffalo and a steady flow of game add so much interest to our trip.

Having thoroughly enjoyed ourselves we come to the end of the road where it joins the Orpen H7 tar and stop to observe a distant cheetah.

Then the few Km’s westward to the Bobbejaankrans lookout where we enjoy our breakfast.

With Renette’s toy leopard acting as sentry against mugging monkeys, we enjoy this most pleasant of views across the Timbavati River. Thereafter it is back to Satara, stopping at Nsemani Dam where a herd of ellies are drinking.

This afternoon it is down the S100 which maintains its 2019 reputation as being strangely quiet.
Tuesday, 4th June
Today we are taking the S90 road out east to Gudzani. So leaving the gates at 6am we go nortward along the tar for 7Km’s before turning right and heading out across the grassy plains.
For some reason, this road always serves up something of interest and today it is mainly wildebeest and zebra bathed in the golden light of sunrise.

Reaching the S41, we turn right again and head south. After a while we come across four Kori Bustards in a line in the road with tails cocked against the warm sun.

These really are remarkable birds – apparently the heaviest flying bird in existence. After watching another bateleur and a distant Martial Eagle, we come across an African Hawk Eagle.

Never let it be said that Kruger is too crowded. Today we again went for two hours before we saw our first car. After breakfasting at Gudzani Dam, we again creep along the S100 Nwanetsi River road. We see a pair of Shikras (Goshawk), we pass a place where people have seen some lions earlier in the riverbed and then coming around a corner we meet this sight.

This afternoon Werner and I go down the H1-3 main road some 15Km’s to the fast shrinking Nkaya Pan where we sit for an hour. Today is the day of the zebras as a small group arrive to drink in the evening light.