Kruger 2024
It is so difficult to go on a bird photographic trip with a compatible partner. Hours spent trying to track…
Wednesday, 21st Yet another glorious, golden morning as we find ourselves creeping along the…
One of the delights of this type of lifestyle is that one comes into contact with so many likeminded people.…
Thursday, 15th We leave the rather disappointing Satara behind us and head out of the gates…
Sunday, 11th After our 37ºC hottest day of the trip, we take off late down the…
Wednesday, 7th We always like to arrive as early as possible at a new camp so as to secure…
Tuesday, 6th On a cool, clear morning we take the S52 Red Rocks Road running westward along…
Saturday, 3rd I apologise for the short break in coms experienced by readers to this blog.…
Wednesday, 31st July After fifteen lovely days at Lower Sabie, it is time to move on. So under…
Monday, 29th Renette is made of sterner stuff and is not easily deterred. Given its history of many exciting…
Thursday, 25th This afternoon we again go up the Sabie river road. Friday, 26th …
Monday, 22nd With Warren at the wheel, we go out this afternoon along the H10 to Muntshe…
Friday, 19th (contd) This afternoon we go out again along the H10 road towards Muntshe and Mlondozi. With the golden…
Tues, 16th At 2.45am I leave the Dolphin Resort in Ballito and take the N2 heading towards…
The one thing that I really struggle with at the Cape is the winter. So, it is becoming a habit…