After last night’s wild deluge and wind, this morning breaks still, clear and cold as I spend some time removing the ice from the windscreen of the Quantum. The camp gate only opens at 7am which is a little irritating because the sun rises at 6.30am.
I quickly mount the steep road near the camp that leads onto the plateau to the west of the Park. After the rain the light is clear and beautiful vistas open up before me.

Mountain Zebra is oh so attractive with its varied topography.. And what joy to be again behind my camera as I begin photographing the birds and animals.

The plains are dotted with springbok and Black Wilderbeest.

This is about the fourth visit that I have made to Mountain Zebra and I have never before seen a Bat-eared Fox here. Today they are everywhere.

We visit the Restcamp restaurant for lunch and are served up a first class meal served by such a pleasant waitress. This is a feature of the National Parks where staff are invariably happy and friendly.
This afternoon I dawdle back towards the Main Gate and travel along the roads on the valley floor.

This area saw quite a bit of action during the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902.
Now this is for you birders. Try and identify this bird which had me stumped for some time – before its surprising identity was revealed to me. I will post the answer in my next blog and let you stew over this for a while.

I have had a really wonderful day with constant interest and photographic opportunities. Mountain Zebra is just magnificent.

I return to camp well satisfied at 6pm with the sun setting behind the hills. A truly splendid day.