There are eight cars in the queue on this, a crisp and fresh morning after the rain. Out we go and rather amusingly, seven of those eight cars take the Orpen H7 road with the lion/buffalo kill providing a perfect decoy.
We ourselves creep down the S100 Nwanetsi River road and what a pleasure – we do not see another car for three hours. And this on a perfectly calm, bright morning. Yesterday’s rain has been general and everything has miraculously greened up already. As the sun rises we meet an old tusker who crosses in front of us.

We pass herds of wildebeest, zebra and giraffe.

What an enjoyable time in these most idyllic of conditions. At the end of the road we turn north up the S41 road which really is well soaked.

Not far beyond the second Gudzani causeway, we come across a large male lion asleep at the side of the road. So deeply is he sleeping that not even an ear twitches and there is no sign of breathing. Eventually, and fearing the worst, I tap on the door of the vehicle whereupon our boy rears up – very much alive and healthy.

There is something so appealing about these big males so we settle down to enjoy our breakfast next to him. He is quite at ease but eventually saunters off through the grasslands to no doubt resume his nap – uninterrupted.

We turn around and go back up the S100 meeting a large herd of zebras in the road.

A really beautiful morning spent in the beauty and serenity of Kruger at its best.
The weather remains cool with the max only reaching 32℃. Lunch at the restaurant , a swim and various housekeeping jobs around the caravan. Renette meets a group of noble volunteers who come into the Park on a regular basis and at no cost, see to the maintenance of the camps in an effort to keep up standards. Meanwhile the well paid staff who should be doing the work sit around chatting. Really the good and bad faces of Africa today.
This evening we go out along the Orpen road H7 but besides trampled and bloody grass there is no sign whatsoever of the buffalo kill of yesterday. Such is the efficiency of nature’s clean-up crew. We push on past Nsemani Dam and then take the attractive loop road S12 back to Girivana Dam. There is now a puddle in the dam and nearby impala and baboons are enjoying the evening sun.

Thereafter, back to camp after a really lovely day. The weather certainly plays a role in the enjoyment of our time and today could not have been better. And to end off proceedings a full moon rises over this lovely Satara camp with the jackals howling and hyenas cackling outside the nearby fence.
Darryl December 1, 2020 at 12:12 pm
Simply amazing photographs!
Richard Grant December 1, 2020 at 12:24 pm
Thank you Darryl. Seems to be working again.
Pete Cook December 2, 2020 at 8:33 am
Greetings Fred and Netty. Very pleased to once again be able to follow your Kruger escapades. Great for you to be able to meet Dave McGaw at Satara. We, together with Steve, Amy and family will be there in August/September next year.
I look forward to following the rest of your trip.
Richard Grant December 2, 2020 at 9:16 am
Great to have you back Pete. Loving this life here and yes, good to see Dave again.