Friday, 29th March
Today is a day with a difference. Steven and family are packing for home and we are packing to move to Skukuza. However, it is clear and still and Steven and I snatch two hours at Sunset Dam enjoying the spectacle of birds and animals beginning another day bathed in golden sunlight.
An African Fish Eagle is perched on a nearby dead tree and swooping down to pick up fish on the water surface. Unfortunately, a breeze springs up which ripples the surface which loses its glassy look – so important for these types of photographs. The Eagle successfully catches two small fish but keeps flying at the wrong angle making photography difficult.

Note the scattering small fish – hardly worth the effort.

Amongst other interesting sights a Great White Heron too is riding on the hippo’s backs

Next to us a crocodile is also hunting fish but like the fish eagle he too must make do with a tiny catch. Note the two little fish amongst his teeth.

At 8am we return to camp and bid our farewells as we go our separate ways. The caravan is quickly packed and in no time we are headed upstream towards Skukuza. Along the way we meet Gareth and Sarah returning from an early morning drive along the Nwatimhiri road. They too found it quiet but it was livened up by some lions at the end.
At Skukuza we are fortunate to find a great campsite – good shade and privacy. After we have set up camp, I settle down at my work table within the caravan but I am soon disturbed by a large monkey that tries to wrench open the door. One look at Renette’s toy leopard and he is off followed by a volley from my Tazer gun. Hopefully that will be the end of the harassment from the very street-wise Skukuza monkeys.
This afternoon I go out across the fast flowing, clear waters of the Sand River in balmy weather. After a couple of Km’s along the Maroela I turn back and wander back to camp. New camps all have their unique attractions and Skukuza, despite its busyness, has them too. Biyamithi, Stevenson-Hamilton and Lake Panic to name just a few.