Thursday, 23rd May
The sun rises through a hazy sky as we sip coffee on the high level bridge over the Sabie River.
Thereafter we drift down the S30 Salietjie road which is particularly beautiful this morning, bathed in golden light.

Although we have our antennas on high alert, we see nothing except two hyenas that cross in front of us. We turn after about 12Km’s and return to the most pleasant Nwatindlophu lookout spot for some breakfast.

At midday we begin packing in preparation for our move to Bergendal tomorrow.
With the hazy sky softening the light, I take off early to Lake Panic at 2.30pm but the afternoons are quiet with most of the birds having filled their stomachs during the early morning feeding frenzy. There are nevertheless some pleasing sights.

Shadows stretch out over the dam by 4pm so I pack up and travel out along the Doispan S1 road – the scene of our leopard sighting with Chris and Renette. I watch thousands of doves pouring into “Jenky’s Pool”, some 4Km’s along the road, scattering in panic when they sense an aerial attack.
I turn back onto the H11 road between Paul Kruger Gate and Skukuza which must have the heaviest traffic and with the least regard for the speed limit. A minibus overtakes me but then comes to a screeching halt in front of me and I notice a leopard crouched in the grass verge on the left. A really battle scarred veteran then emerges and goes walkabouts amongst the piling up traffic.

After scenting some trees, he crosses the road and then lies on a low bank in the grass, some 8m off the road – completely at ease with the traffic.

Some tourist bakkies arrive and the ecstatic occupants get a close up view of a leopard – something they are most fortunate to achieve.
All very well, but I cannot but feel that this leopard’s indifference to the cars will lead to his downfall when he encounters a 100KPH speedster – all too common in the Park. Perhaps not the most moving of sights but interesting none the less.
Friday, 24th May
With minimal effort, the last items are packed and we are on our way to Bergendal at 6.05am. The sky is cloudy today and as we travel southward it becomes misty with drizzle. By the time we reach Afsaal it is actually raining and the tortoises are on the road drinking their fill.
Our tactic of getting early to these camps pays off again as we get our usual excellent site just as the occupant is leaving. No other suitable campsites are left. We quickly set up and I then leave for a few chores in nearby Malalane town.
This afternoon I dawdle down the S118 and S119 Mlambane river road. Even though the sun is shining, large summer clouds are drifting about. Puddles at the side of the road indicate that some rain fell this morning.
Fresh Rhino middens line the road and at one stage I am fortunate to see two Whites cross ahead.

The following two photos are of those two old “war horses” the Lilac-breasted Roller and the White-fronted Bee-eater. Somehow one never tires of photographing these extravagantly beautiful birds.

Back at camp I collect Renette and we go out a short way on the Matjulu Loop S110 from where we admire the sunset over the Bergendal hills.

Tomorrow we will properly begin our early morning sorties into this scenically beautiful part of Kruger.
Nikki May 25, 2019 at 5:55 am
Wow wow Incredible pic’s
Of my goodness
The roller and Darter are amazing
Love seeing you pic’s
Richard Grant May 25, 2019 at 9:33 am
Glad you are enjoying the photos Nikki. It gives me great pleasure taking them.
Viv June 22, 2019 at 7:54 am
Beautiful pictures!
Lew Orans August 30, 2019 at 2:10 am
Richard: I came across your photographs (“portraits”) on Facebook. I was quite taken with them. Then, it was on to your website. How wonderful. You are a true artist using a lens to choose your canvas. I live in Central Florida (USA). My heart is still in my hometown of New York City and the lakes and mountains of the Adirondacks in the heart of the “Northland” and the Appalachians as they traverse from Pennsylvania to Connecticut and Massachusetts (on their way to Maine). The backcountry in the northeast of the USA and the forests along our East Coast (From Georgia to Maine) are filled with wildlife and natural wonders that even many Americans (City-Dwellers) miss them. I do so enjoy your photography. The Birds and Animals of Southern Africa are amazing in their diversity and numbers. Krueger Park is a veritable paradise, and I am delighted you share your work. One of my friends, of many years, is a photojournalist in Northern California. He has a real hold on the native bird population and a great affinity for Yosemite National Park. He has a beautiful touch with a camera. I hope to share some of his photos with you.
All best wishes.
God bespoedig jou. Mag al u dae helder en gevul wees met skoonheid. (Vertaal deur Google).
Richard Grant October 6, 2019 at 5:04 pm
Thank you for your lovely comment Lew. I really apologise for not responding sooner but having not been in Kruger for some time, I have neglected my blog. Today I have returned to Kruger and will be here for the next two months so I do hope that you will find interest in my experiences. I would love to travel to the US and photograph your wildlife but unfortunately that is a bit out of my reach. Fortunately we have Kruger on our doorstep. Thank you again for taking the trouble to write. Richard Grant